The new UAE labor law has significantly changed employment contracts, including introducing fixed-term agreements, an automatic employment contract renewal clause, and unchanged notice periods.
This article explains the renewal clause in UAE employment contracts, including implications for employers and employees. It also provides a sample clause and information on related legal services for 2024.
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Table of Contents
Employment Contract Renewal Clause in UAE
The new UAE labor law allows employers to determine the length of employment contracts, which can be up to three years, and the renewal clause can be included accordingly.
The renewal clause in the employment contract refers to the agreement between the employer and the employee that the contract will automatically renew at the end of its term.
This clause is often included to ensure the employment relationship continues smoothly without renegotiation or a new contract.
Renewal Clause Sample
Here’s how a typical employment contract renewal clause could be formulated in an employment contract according to the new UAE labor laws:
This employment contract is entered into for a fixed term of [insert duration, e.g., three years], commencing on [start date] and ending on [end date].
Upon the expiration of this term, this contract may be renewed for an additional fixed term of [insert renewal duration, e.g., one year, two years, or three years], subject to mutual agreement between the employer and the employee.
The terms and conditions of the renewed contract may be renegotiated as per mutual consent at the time of renewal.
Either party wishing not to renew the contract must provide written notice at least [insert notice period, e.g., thirty days] prior to the expiration of the current term.
Get a lock-in period clause sample for an employment contract in UAE and learn about continuous employment contract clause in Dubai and UAE.
Implications of Renewal Clause for Employers
The renewal clause in the employment contract benefits employers by providing them with stability and continuity in their workforce.
With the automatic renewal clause, they can avoid the hassle of negotiating a new contract with each employee at the end of the term.
Moreover, it ensures the employer retains valuable employees without disrupting the business.
However, employers must ensure the renewal clause is transparent and communicated to employees to avoid misunderstandings.
Renewal Clause Implications for Employees
The renewal clause in the employment contract benefits employees by providing them with job security and a sense of stability in their employment.
With the automatic renewal clause, their employment continues without renegotiation or finding a new job.
However, employees must carefully review the terms of the renewal clause, including the duration of the contract and the notice period required for termination.
This clause can also limit their ability to negotiate better terms or move to a new job.
Legal Services for Employment Renewal Clause UAE
Our labor lawyer in Dubai offers specialized legal services tailored specifically to the needs surrounding employment contract renewals under UAE labor law in 2024:
- Contract Review: Ensure your renewal clauses are up-to-date and compliant with the latest legal standards.
Renegotiation Support: Get professional assistance in renegotiating the terms of employment contracts upon renewal. - Legal Advisory: Receive expert advice on the implications of the renewal clause for both employers and employees.
- Dispute Resolution: Access skilled representation if conflicts arise during the contract renewal.
These services streamline the renewal process, safeguard legal rights, and clarify employment relationships.
Get expert employment contract lawful advice and the best employment contract review service in UAE.
FAQs about Renewal Clause in UAE Employment Contract
Conclusion about employment contract renewal clause:
The revisions to UAE labor law regarding fixed-term contracts and automatic renewal clauses are vital for maintaining structured and secure employment relations.
These adjustments provide clarity and predictability for both employers and employees, fostering a stable work environment.
Engaging with our Labor Lawyers can provide crucial support for navigating these changes and ensuring compliance with the law.
Their specialized services in contract review, renegotiation, and dispute resolution are essential tools for effectively managing the nuances of employment contract renewals.
Contact our labor law firm in UAE for expert help. Click the Whatsapp icon below.

A legal consultant specializing in UAE labor law. He regularly publishes articles on the website and writes on various areas of UAE law, with a specific focus on labor law.