This article explains the rights and regulations surrounding wrongful dismissal during probationary period in the UAE and how to navigate this challenging situation.
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Table of Contents
Wrongful Dismissal During Probationary Period UAE.
The probationary period in the UAE should not exceed six months. This period is designed to assess the employee’s performance and suitability for the job.
During this phase, the employer and employee have certain rights and responsibilities.
What Constitutes Wrongful Dismissal.
Wrongful dismissal during the probationary period occurs when an employer terminates an employee without adhering to the legal requirements.
According to Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021 on Regulation of Labour Relations, an employer who wishes to terminate an employee during the probationary period must provide written notice of termination.
The notice period must be at least 14 days if the employer initiates the termination.
If the employee wishes to resign, they must provide 14 days’ notice if they intend to leave the UAE or 30 days’ notice if they plan to stay and work for another employer within the UAE.
Seeking Legal Assistance.
If you believe you have been a victim of wrongful dismissal during the probationary period in the UAE, it’s crucial to consult a legal expert.
Our renowned lawyer and legal consultant, is your best ally in navigating this challenging legal landscape.
With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the country’s labour regulations, he is your go-to expert for wrongful dismissal during probationary time cases.
FAQs wrongful dismissal during probationary in UAE
Wrongful dismissal during probationary period is a serious matter in the UAE, and both employers and employees need to understand their rights and obligations.
Federal Law No. 33 of 2021 provides a legal framework to protect employees from unjust termination during this phase.
In challenging times like these, legal experts like our labor lawyer in Dubai can guide you through the complexities of employment law in the UAE, ensuring your rights are upheld.
Remember, knowledge is power, and knowing your rights can make all the difference in your employment journey in the UAE.
Contact our labor law firm in UAE for expert help. Click the Whatsapp icon below.
Read about Wrongful Dismissal Cases UAE Dubai 2024 and learn about the Wrongful Termination Probationary Period in UAE Dubai.

A legal consultant specializing in UAE labor law. He regularly publishes articles on the website and writes on various areas of UAE law, with a specific focus on labor law.