Either party to an employment contract can terminate it for a justifiable reason as long as the conditions of notice and contract terms are adhered to.
Termination may happen through mutual agreement, contract expiry, or under specific legal circumstances outlined in the UAE labor law.
In this article, we will explain the verbal termination of employment in UAE 2024 and clarify the immediate termination.
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Verbal termination of employment in UAE
According to Article 42 of Federal Decree No. (33) of 2021 concerning the regulation of labor relations, known as the UAE Labor Law, the contract ends in specified situations.
There is no legal basis for verbal termination under UAE labor law.
Termination must be formally documented in writing, with reasons provided, and appropriate investigation procedures must be followed, especially in dismissal cases without notice.
Immediate termination of employment UAE
Immediate termination without notice is allowed under certain circumstances outlined in Article 44 of Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021.
However, this must be formalized in writing and justified following a formal investigation.
Examples include misconduct such as submitting forged documents or serious breaches of contract.
Article 44 of the UAE Federal Labour Law states that an employer may terminate an employee’s contract without notice in some instances, which are as follows:
- If the employee impersonates someone else or presents forged certificates or documents, the employer can terminate their employment without notice, provided the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) is informed within seven working days.
- If the employee commits an error resulting in a significant material loss to the employer or intentionally damages the employer’s property. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation should be informed within seven days of receiving notification of the incident.
- If the employee violates the internal regulations of the establishment regarding work safety and workers, provided that these regulations are written and posted in a visible place and that the employee is aware of them.
- If the employee fails to perform his/her basic duties according to the employment contract and continues to breach them despite a written investigation and two warnings of termination of employment for repeated breaches.
- If the employee discloses secrets of the establishment where he/she works, especially concerning industrial or intellectual property, or causes losses to the employer, wastes an opportunity, or brings personal benefit to the employee.
- The termination law in UAE 2022 also states that this is stated if the competent courts convict the employee of a grave crime of honor, trust, or public morals.
- If the employee is found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during working hours or has committed an act that violates public morals at the workplace.
- If the employee assaults the employer, the responsible manager, or one of his/her supervisors or colleagues, whether orally or physically, or commits any form of aggression punishable by law.
- If the employee absences himself/herself without reasonable excuse or causes accepted by the employer for more than 20 intermittent days or during one year more than seven continuous days.
Terminating an employee without notice requires conducting a written investigation with him/her.
The termination decision must be made in writing and delivered to the employee by the employer or a representative. This applies to the cases mentioned above.
Expert Legal Services for Verbal Termination in UAE
Our Lawyers and Legal Consultants provide expert legal services for verbal termination of employment in the UAE.
They advise on the legality of verbal termination under UAE labor laws. The firm represents employees and employers in disputes over wrongful or unjust verbal dismissals.
Their team ensures employment terminations follow legal requirements.
They assist in formalizing termination processes, conducting investigations, and preparing necessary documentation to protect client interests in labor disputes.
We recommend you read about Negotiating wrongful termination settlement in UAE Dubai and suing Company Wrongful Termination.
Also, read about the Best 5 wrongful termination lawyers in UAE.
FAQs about verbal termination of employment in UAE
In conclusion, we hope we have provided all the information that matters to you about verbal termination of employment in UAE.
Contact our labor law firm in UAE for expert help. Click the Whatsapp icon below.

A legal consultant specializing in UAE labor law. He regularly publishes articles on the website and writes on various areas of UAE law, with a specific focus on labor law.